Eventos y Capacitaciones para Profesionales

Spence-Chapin es una organización sin fines de lucro establecida a principios de 1900 que brinda servicios de apoyo y asesoramiento holísticos y compasivos a mujeres que se enfrentan a un embarazo no planificado o que han dado a luz recientemente y no están seguras sobre la paternidad. Brindamos a profesionales médicos, consejeros, defensores de servicios sociales y miembros de la comunidad programas de educación continua de vanguardia, y ofrecemos recursos de bienestar infantil y adopción relevantes y atractivos, basados ​​en la web y en persona. A través de nuestra programación diversa y significativa, esperamos equipar a los profesionales con el conocimiento que necesitan para ayudar a proporcionar resultados positivos y saludables para las mujeres y los niños a los que servimos.

Para registrarse u obtener más información, comuníquese con Talia al [email protected] o 212-360-0245.

Todos nuestros eventos son de asistencia gratuita.

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Understanding Adoption at Spence-Chapin for Medical Professionals in New York & New Jersey

Miércoles, 9 de agosto, 1:00 p. m. a 2:00 p. m. EST

This webinar is designed for perinatal healthcare professionals in New York and New Jersey to learn about Spence-Chapin’s free, confidential, and unbiased options counseling and adoption planning services for expectant and biological parents. Attendees will learn about when and how to make a referral to Spence-Chapin, the free services and support we provide to our clients, how we assist healthcare providers when an adoption takes place at the hospital, and follow-up support provided to birth and adoptive families. We will also discuss how Spence-Chapin is able to find permanent loving adoptive families for infants, older children and children with special medical needs.

Justicia Reproductiva: Lo que los Trabajadores Sociales Deben Saber (CE)

Martes, 12 de septiembre, 10:00 a. m. a 1:00 p. m. EST

Este evento de capacitación de desarrollo profesional organizado por Spence-Chapin presenta capacitación de la Dra. Erica Goldblatt Hyatt, DSW, LCSW, MBE, Rutgers School of Social Work.

This virtual workshop hosted by Spence-Chapin in collaboration with Rutgers School of Social Work will introduce, define, and explore the tenets of Reproductive Justice and how they directly apply to social work advocacy and practice. A framework developed by minoritized groups in the 1990s, RJ moves the abortion discourse beyond “choice” and considers the elements that contribute to or hinder true bodily autonomy: the right to have a child, the right to not have a child, and the right raise a child in safe and healthy environments. As RJ especially considers the impact of legislation, policy, and intervention on vulnerable communities, it is especially relevant during today’s socio-political climate. Concrete suggestions for advocacy and intervention will also be provided.

La Escuela de Trabajo Social de Rutgers proporcionará 3 horas de CE para los trabajadores sociales de Nueva York y Nueva Jersey.

This event has not yet opened for registration.


Wednesday, November 29, 2023
9:30 AM – 12:30 PM EST

Join Spence-Chapin and the Rutgers School of Social Work for a free Continuing Education Workshop in honor of National Adoption Month.

Learning to speak a new language is a skill that takes time and practice. When working with families formed by adoption, the words we use make a difference. Utilizing the principles of Object Relations Theory, this virtual workshop is designed to provide effective strategies for perinatal health professionals and social workers who work with anyone touched by adoption. Participants will gain an understanding of adoption centered language and will demonstrate, through small group activity and role play, their enhanced ability to effectively connect with those involved in the adoption constellation.

Este taller equipará a los profesionales con todas las habilidades y la información necesaria para apoyar completamente a un paciente que está considerando la adopción o está haciendo un plan de adopción para su bebé. Los temas adicionales cubiertos incluirán el uso de términos precisos, ayudar a las familias biológicas y las familias adoptivas a navegar la adopción abierta, y técnicas sobre cómo elaborar conversaciones apropiadas para el desarrollo con los niños sobre la adopción y las historias de nacimiento.

The Rutgers School of Social Work will provide 3 CE hours for New York & New Jersey social workers.

This event has not yet opened for registration.

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