Peter & Christine

Hello! We are Peter and Christine and these are our two wonderful children Nathan and Joseph. We
live in New York City and were married in 2014. We have absolutely loved having children, and they
have brought so much joy to our lives. We love living in the city, riding the subway, playing in the
parks, visiting museums and so many wonderful friends we have here. As a family, we love reading
together, traveling, hiking, telling jokes and lots of hugs and snuggles. We are excited about adopting
a new member into our family. We love each other very much and hope to have another person in
the family to love.

About Christine

Descripción del trabajo
Pianist and music educator

Enjoys reading, traveling, being outdoors, going to museums

Hecho de la diversión
Christine loves coffee! She and Peter even had a coffee ceremony at their wedding reception!

Acerca de Pedro

Descripción del trabajo

Enjoys traveling, writing, buildings, maps

Hecho de la diversión
Peter lived in Rio de Janeiro for half a year when he was 4 years old!

About Nathan

Descripción del trabajo
Wants to be an architect, 2nd grade this fall

Enjoys math, drawing, trains, building, ice cream.

Sobre José

Descripción del trabajo
Wants to be a scientist, kindergarten this fall

Enjoys basketball, building, trains and trucks, swimming.

Nuestras vidas

The boys attend school on the upper west side. We ride the subway there. Christine’s sister lives near the school so sometimes we help each other with pick-up and drop-off. Peter works downtown and sometimes at home, and Christine teaches and coaches music in our home and occasionally other parts of the city. We love our neighborhood because it has many wonderful families, parks and playgrounds. After school we might go play at the playground, practice piano or do a sport. Most evenings we have family dinner together, ask each other about our day and have lively conversation. We have bathtime and reading before bed. On weekends we might go to a birthday party, do sports, play outside or do crafts, baking or just relax and watch a movie. Sundays we go to church in the morning, and rest and play in the afternoons. We like to have friends over for meals and love seeing our neighbors when we walk around the neighborhood. We love taking trips and have been to many states. We hope to take the kids overseas when they are older.

Nuestra familia

Peter has two older brothers in Los Angeles and cousins in Washington D.C. and elsewhere. (His parents have passed away.) Christine has five siblings and many cousins, nieces and nephews. Her sister and two nieces live in NYC. Nathan loves his baby cousins and would love another baby sibling in the family. Joseph loves his cousins and is very social. We are also close to several friends in our neighborhood and church. We love having family and friends over for birthday parties, holiday celebrations such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. We also enjoy traveling to see family in many different states. We have had some very large family reunions, and the boys love their grandparents and spending time with them.

Pensamientos finales

We respect your decision to make an adoption plan and appreciate your learning about our family. We are excited to welcome a new child into our family and want them to know all about their birth family and heritage. We are excited to become a family connected to another family by adoption.  

– Peter & Christine

Para obtener más información sobre esta familia en espera o el proceso de planificación de adopción, llámenos al 800-321-5683 o envíenos un correo electrónico a línea de [email protected].
