Practical & Emotional Support for Birth Parents: How Spence-Chapin Can Help
In many communities throughout the country, there is a critical lack of comprehensive care and wellbeing services for women facing unplanned pregnancies, especially those experiencing distress. Women who are in vulnerable situations and are also pregnant, need access to free, confidential, holistic, and unbiased services to help them make a plan for the future. They […]
Spence-Chapin: A story of compassion
100+ years plus.
Using Positive Adoption Language: Words Matter

We often hear from birth and expectant parents that they feel a lack of support from others before, during, and after a placement. As healthcare and social service professionals, you have a unique opportunity to offer support and care during a critical time in a pregnant woman’s journey. Using Positive Adoption Language (PAL) demonstrates respect […]
The Diversity of Birth Parents: A Nationwide Study

Private domestic adoption in the United States has changed considerably from the 1970s to today. Recently, The National Council For Adoption (NCFA), in partnership with BraveLove, completed a nationwide survey of over 1400 birth parents, to explore their experiences with adoption and gain meaningful insights. It’s important for us to understand that no two birth […]
Judah: A Special Needs Adoption Story

Baby Judah was born nine weeks before schedule, at the beginning of 2023. His young mother was unprepared for the many medical diagnoses he would receive.
November is National Adoption Awareness Month

Each November, National Adoption Awareness Month (NAAM) serves as an important time to spotlight adoption topics, increase understanding of the adoption process, and honor all members of the adoption triad—birth parents, adoptive parents, and adopted persons.
Noelle’s Adoption Journey — Part Three: Learning and Living Through Open Adoption

This is the first part of a special three-part series written by Noelle, who made an adoption plan for her son 20 years ago. She reached out to share her personal experience through pregnancy, choosing an adoptive family, giving birth, open adoption and her relationship with her son, hoping it will help others in their journeys. […]
Noelle’s Adoption Journey — Part Two: Finding the Perfect Family

This is the first part of a special three-part series written by Noelle, who made an adoption plan for her son 20 years ago. She reached out to share her personal experience through pregnancy, choosing an adoptive family, giving birth, open adoption and her relationship with her son, hoping it will help others in their journeys. […]
Noelle’s Adoption Journey — Part One: Where it All Started

This is the first part of a special three-part series written by Noelle, who made an adoption plan for her son 20 years ago. She reached out to share her personal experience through pregnancy, choosing an adoptive family, giving birth, open adoption and her relationship with her son, hoping it will help others in their journeys. […]
Meet Isabella: From Unexpected Labor to Placement Day

Isabella, a 19-year-old college student on Long Island, awoke one morning in excruciating pain. She was shocked to discover she was not only pregnant, but in labor.