
我们是 Joe、Elle 和 Alex,很高兴您找到了我们!我们在 2013 年 12 月 31 日的新年前夜庆祝活动中相识,并立即被彼此吸引。简短的介绍很快变成了几个小时的交谈,不知不觉中,我们一起迎接了新年。相识不到四年后,我们的活力小兔 Alex 出生了。由于我们都是 3 个兄弟姐妹中的老大,我们希望通过领养来扩大我们的家庭。我们认为领养是一种自然的选择,因为我们已经看到领养对我们自己的大家庭是多么的幸福。家庭新成员的喜悦不仅为我们未来的孩子提供了一个充满爱的家,而且还让我们有机会与亲生父母见面并建立关系。我们很高兴能领养孩子,迫不及待地想见到这个将成为我们家庭一员的孩子。感谢您花时间了解我们,并在决定谁来抚养您的孩子时考虑我们。


职位描述: 体育老师

爱好: 与家人共度时光、弹贝斯、参加和出席体育赛事、旅行。

关于 Elle

职位描述: 审计员

爱好: 与家人和朋友共度时光、旅行、骑自行车、弹钢琴和唱歌

关于 Alex

职位描述: 学生

爱好: 玩火车、乘火车、了解宇宙、体操、骑自行车和滑板车


Our weekdays are usually filled with school, work, extracurricular activities and fun at the park. Nevertheless, we still make time for a few things we consider traditions such as date nights, swimming at the pool and eating out twice a month. Saturdays are our “Day Off” where we rest and relax and have the “Family Call” with our relatives abroad. Then on Sundays we have music lessons, sports, birthday parties or other special events. Most of all we just like to spend time together or hanging out at the park with friends. Where we live there are many school and community events, so the best part is that no two weeks are ever the same! When summer comes around, this is our time for traveling to see family members. However, our favorite time of the year is the year-end holiday season and all its celebrations!


We both come from closely knit families. As the eldest of 3 siblings, both Joe and Elle place a high value on staying connected. Throughout the week, we speak with Elle’s parents and once a month on Saturdays, we have a family call with Joe’s family in Europe. Each year, we travel to visit our family members in the US, Bermuda or Europe so that we can see aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents in person. In addition to summer trips, the year-end holidays are important to us. One of our favorite things to do is our Christmas Zoom call with our extended family members across the world. As we live in New York, our community allows us to appreciate both the traditional and non-traditional customs of others. We have many friends that we consider family with whom we celebrate, and they are all awaiting a new addition to our family.


We want you to know that we will love your child unconditionally and will dedicate our lives to providing him or her with all the love, security and joy we can offer. You will always be an integral part of his or her life and we plan to raise him or her with an understanding and appreciation for you and the sacrifice you are making. Our child will be loved by us, our families, our friends and extended community. Thank you again for considering us. We support your final decision no matter what that may be, and you will always be in our thoughts and prayers.

– Joe & Elle

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