How We Can Help

Spence-Chapin can provide you with comprehensive free services as you work with one of our dedicated social workers to create a plan for you and your baby. These services include:

Support and Counseling

We offer a safe space to consider all your options with free, confidential, and supportive counseling.  You can speak with us however you feel most comfortable—phone, email, text, in person, or via virtual video counseling. We also have several office locations throughout New York, New Jersey, and Arizona. Our counseling and support are available 24/7 and in multiple languages. Our services are available for all women and families, regardless of age or immigration status.
If you choose to make an adoption plan, you will also receive free post-adoption counseling sessions. 

Reach out to us today.

Newborn Interim / Respite Care

Parenting a newborn can be overwhelming while you are trying to make a plan for the future. You may need additional time and breathing space to think about your and your child’s future. Our Interim Care Program will allow you to continue counseling to fully explore all options while your baby is cared for by a nurturing caregiver in a loving home. While your baby is in interim care, you will retain your legal rights and be able to visit with your baby.

Financial Assistance

Our services will always be 100% free for you. In addition, we can also provide pregnancy-related medical and living expenses. These may include expenses for rent, utilities, groceries, and transportation, and more. Your social worker can support you in determining what you qualify for within state guidelines. 

Free Legal Services

For those who choose to make an adoption plan, we’ll hire an adoption attorney on your behalf to represent you free of charge. If you choose to have an open adoption (find out more about adoption), your attorney will explain your options and help you craft an open adoption agreement that works for you.

Hospital Advocacy

Depending on which option you choose and how far along you are in your pregnancy, it may be important to create a hospital plan to make sure that your choices are respected when giving birth. Your Spence-Chapin social worker will work with you to create the plan you want, so you can make decisions for yourself and your child during your hospital stay. Our counselors will work with the hospital social worker to ensure your rights are protected, and your wishes are supported.  We are available 24/7 to support you.

Birth Parent Support and Community

Making an adoption plan is an act of courage that deserves ongoing support. Spence-Chapin provides birth parents a supportive community and a connection to professionals who understand all aspects of adoption. If you choose to, you can receive ongoing and free support from Spence-Chapin, including support groups, individual counseling sessions, and more. Our peer-led support group meets monthly to explore feelings and to share stories in a safe, supportive space. The group is open to all birthparents even if their adoptions were not planned through Spence-Chapin.

Case Management and Referrals

Through the free counseling you receive, your counselor will have resources available to support the plan you choose for the future. Resources may include on-going counseling, referrals for housing, and more.
