
Hi! I’m Allison, a New Yorker and also a very outdoorsy person. I love swimming, kayaking and being in or near the ocean. I live in Manhattan where I work as an attorney for students with disabilities. In my job, I represent parents whose children are struggling in school and advocate for them to receive the type of classroom or services they need in order to learn. Outside of work, I participate in social justice organizing. We study how social change was won in the past and work to change ideas, laws, and society for the liberation of all people.

I would love to expand my life by loving, guiding, and caring for one or more children. I have been thinking about adoption for many years. I feel I am at the best point in my life to adopt, and I am so excited to be a mom. I really love my home and career, and am enjoying my family, friends, hobbies and social change organizing right now. I want to grow my life by embracing a child and watching them unfold and grow. I will give them the love, support, and guidance to grow into a beautiful, strong, and independent adult.

About Allison

Job Description
Supervising Attorney and Senior Pro Bono Manager


  • Swimming
  • Kayaking
  • Baking
  • Being Outdoors
  • Singing

Fun Fact
I recently kayaked around the entire island of Manhattan! It was so beautiful to see the city from the water and to be with a group that encouraged and supported each other the whole way.

My Life

I live in a very green part of Manhattan, surrounded by trees, squirrels, and birds, and near Hudson River Park, another beautiful green space with summer events, near the water. I walk to work or work from home, and spend time with friends or cousins after work.

My co-op’s toddler playground is just outside my building. In summer, children play on the slides and run in the sprinklers with the other children in the building. In winter, I watch them sled down the gentle hill. Our co-op has a children’s playroom with after-school activities like ceramics and chess. Our local recreation center has children’s swimming classes and other sports and community events. I look forward to taking the child in my life to all the parks, playgrounds, museums, and celebrations in the neighborhood and beyond.

At home, I enjoy baking, especially pies. Around Christmas, my brother and cousin and I enjoy baking holiday treats together and I’d love to share this family tradition with a child. In summer, I go to African-themed festivals in New York, and away to Maine, California, or internationally, with family, to visit friends or family, or to explore and take vacation time. I grew up going to campfire-and lakeside type summer camp, and would love to provide the kind of outdoor activities, camping and new friendships that summer camp can give a child.

My Family

My mom lives in Staten Island and we spend time at her house, cooking and eating together, going out to restaurants and local festivals. We also spend time at my brother’s house, upstate in a wooded area in a cozy town. I enjoy playing with my 9-year-old nephew, who is inquisitive, funny and adventurous! It’s fun to cheer him on through obstacle courses; he also shows me how he solves Rubiks cubes, or we play Uno or frisbee or swing on the tire swing in his yard. During the holidays, we like building a fire in their fireplace, making hot chocolate along with a family Christmas bread, and singing Christmas carols.

In the summer, my family goes away to Maine for the beach or just spends time in upstate NY hiking and cooking out. My family is from Jamaica and my mom, brother, nephew and cousins have visited there together. I have more cousins and close friends in New Jersey. My social change friends are also family to me. My best friend lives in the same building and another sister-friend a block away are eager to be aunties.

Another close friend is excited to be an uncle/mentor. I look forward to meeting families with young children in our playground, and other adoptive families.

Final Thoughts

I am excited about the possibility of meeting you, and I am humbled and grateful that you are considering me. My desire is to create a loving, spiritual home for your child, and to welcome him or her into my life, my family and my love. Your child’s well-being is my heart’s journey.

To learn more about this Waiting Family or the adoption planning process, call us at 800-321-5683 or email us at [email protected].
